" True cinema " in French...
I want to make work that is grounded in contemplation not just pure spectacle. At first, it catches your eye with these characters then follows up with a deeper message. With this ongoing series of paintings, I’m meditating and focusing on a central idea. I want to spend some time with it.
The inspiration first came from my background in film. I had this vision of taking these exaggerated portraits of old Hollywood stars and movie motifs and then deconstructing them through my “retro cartoon” lens. How could I comment on performance and contrast it with reality, all while poking fun at the whole thing?
The inspiration first came from my background in film. I had this vision of taking these exaggerated portraits of old Hollywood stars and movie motifs and then deconstructing them through my “retro cartoon” lens. How could I comment on performance and contrast it with reality, all while poking fun at the whole thing?
Cinéma Vérité means “true cinema” in French. I borrowed this film phrase because it fits this series of paintings so well. It was a documentary film movement in the 1960’s that showed people in everyday situations with authentic dialogue and action. It attempted to use direct observation to unveil some kind of truth hidden behind reality, a “fly on the wall.” The experiment failed. The problem was, the camera was there and by nature, interrupted reality. People changed their behavior because they were being filmed.
The image that kept resonating in my mind was these cameras with wings. I began to sketch them everywhere. I was searching my mind for what these might mean. They reflect the idea of “recording angels,” outside observers that take note of reality as it truly is. Regardless of the performance, truth is being documented.
Everyone has a “highlight reel,” especially in the social media age. We send thousands of images out into the world, seeking to be seen, to be heard and to be validated. How and why do we do this? Where are the lines between how we present ourselves, how we see ourselves and who we truly are?
This series of work is less about directly answering any of these questions and more about acknowledging a conversation with truth. Truth is more than what you show and certainly more than what you see with your eyes.