Jimmy Houston, Retro-Animation Artist Named as a Finalist in the Prestigious 2016 Hunting Art Prize Competition
FEB 15, 2016
Jimmy has again been named a Finalist in the prestigious 2016 Hunting Art Prize Competition with his submission “Fly Away Home.”
The Hunting Art Prize is in its 36th year and is sponsored by the international oil services company Hunting PLC. The Hunting Art Prize is the most generous annual art prize in the U.S. for painting and drawing. This annual art competition is open to all Texas-based artists and awards one winner a cash prize of $50,000.
A distinguished panel that review digital submissions from the applicants looking at composition, subject matter, content, originality, creativity and execution select the Hunting Art Prize Finalists. The winner will be announced on April 30, 2016 at the Hunting Art Gala.